Why Is Six Star Energy Reports Important For Building Plan?

6 Star Energy Report

Every month, tens of thousands of homeowners try to achieve a higher score in their Six Star Energy Ratings. This leads to abundant queries that might be unanswered until now.

 Today, we will answer the 5 most asked FAQs that might include your doubts & questions as well.

So buckle-up and let’s get started!

  1. What are Energy Ratings?

A 6-star energy rating is nothing but the thermal performance of a building or house. This indicates how much energy a house requires per day to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors. It also includes how much energy your home appliances are consuming. Less energy consumption is directly proportional to the higher energy star rating.

  1. What is a Good Energy Rating for a House?

When you apply for six-star energy ratings reports or Section J Assessment Reports, it is given numerical scores from 1 to 100 SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) points.

The score is provided in a way: EPC rating A = 92-100 SAP Points (most efficient). The least efficient scores are EPC rating G = 1-20 SAP points.

  1. How is Energy Star Rating Calculated?

The experts follow three major steps to calculate your energy star rating for your home.

The first step includes calculating the actual Source EUI (Energy Use Intensity). Here, your Source Energy is divided by GFA (Gross Floor Area).

The next step is to calculate the ‘predicted’ source EUI. It includes various factors such as climate, weather, number of members, etc. To say, you have fewer members at home and most of them spend their day out, less energy consumption will be there. In case most of your family members are at home and it’s been a hotter summer than average, you will spend more energy. That’s how the predicted source EUI is calculated.

 In the third step, they compare the previous two steps i.e. the predicted source EUI and actual source EUI. If the actual EUI is less than the predicted one, you are using less energy and you are eligible of acquiring more than 50 scores. But if it’s vice-versa, you are using more energy than expected and your scores will be below 50.

  1. What are Energy Star Requirements?

Well, a building must meet all the requirements of the energy performance standard established by EPA. To be precise, a building must acquire at least 75 or higher scores of Energy Star to be eligible for the six-star rating.

  1. How do you get a 6 Star Energy Rating?

 You can acquire a 6-star rating by paying attention to a few aspects such as using high-rating appliances, proper window design, home location, size of the home, insulated building material, and by sealing windows, doors, exhaust fans, & windows. This is because it prevents the outside air in every season to enter inside the house.

Wrapping Up

The above questions are not only just questions but also a way to get a higher score in your six star energy rating reports. So follow our questions and see how you would jump higher in your final energy report.

Source: 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Six Star Energy Reports